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Verizon Storm Unlocked and Using T-Mobile

Posted By faraaz On 4:57 PM Under , , ,

***Update:Alright, here is what we have all been waiting for. The Verizon BlackBerry Storm does in fact work for GSM carriers!! I have not yet resolved my service book issue directly with Verizon yet, however I did get my internet browser up and running perfectly on T-Mobile's EDGE network. I am not positive on why this worked but, I put the Verizon SIM card back in when I couldn't get the browser to work and then I just put my T-Mobile SIM card back in. I noticed that everything Verizon loaded back on the home screen menu, including things like VCAST and such. Then I noticed that the Storm was still running my Verizon number and not my T-Mobile number even though my T-Mobile SIM card was in the device. It took me a while to think of this, but I finally realized that I should switch the mobile network. So I switched over to the 2G GSM network and MAGNIFICO it worked, browser and all. I must say, the internet browsing is not half bad. It is much faster than I ever imagined running on OS 4.7. So if any of you are thinking of buying an unlocked Storm 9530 and was wondering if it would work with your carrier, yes it will. comment and tell me what you guys think!

**Update: So I was on the phone with Verizon for about 30 mins and my problem was not resolved, I still have no browser service books. Apparently they could not log in to my account (not my personal Verizon account) and when they tried to delete it to re set it up, it was apparently non existent. So they are going to work on it and will call me when it is resolved. I'm not giving up!!
*Update: I am currently on the phone with Verizon and I am getting my service books sent to the phone for my internet browser. I will let you know if it all works out. Cross your fingers.

Alright, I've been wanting to post about this for a while, but I have been too lazy to actually get my Verizon Storm unlocked. I finally did it, and great works!!! I am a bit let down though, because I have not recieved the service books for my internet browser, so I do not have the browser icon yet. I am working on getting my internet up, so I will update this post when I have it working how I want. I aslo am unable to set up my email manually on the device, but I was able to do it through my T-Mobile account online. Other than that, I may keep this phone for my T-Mobile account if I can get it working correctly.

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